73 m Weight: 127 lb 58 kg Body type: Eye color: Brown Hair: Underarm hair: Shaved Pubic hair: Full Performances Playboy Playmate: Shown: Topless, Bush, Full frontal Cathy Larmouth born July 15, 1953 in Torrance, California d.
When she was asked to reprise that role she was "kind of surprised, a little shocked but also honored," she said by telephone from Los Angeles, where she and her twin sister, Rosie, run a chain of fashion boutiques called Varga.
The Girls of Summer: Cathy Larmouth, Miss June 1981
The shoot lasted about an hour, as did the makeup session beforehand, its most difficult aspect being the drawing of the famous Playboy bunny logo on Jordan's stomach, using her belly button for the bunny's eye.