hermaphroditisch : definition of hermaphroditisch and synonyms of hermaphroditisch (German)
How did they decide to which sex a person should belong? A doctor finds testicular tissue in a woman with appendicitis, and decides to keep his findings quiet.
Author: Geertje Mak Publisher: Manchester University Press ISBN: 9781847794697 Category: Social Science Page: 296 View: 797 An adolescent girl is mocked when she takes a bath with her peers, because her genitals look like those of a boy.
An essential feature of the MXC connector systems is the hermaphroditic PRIZM MT ferrule also known as "lense-MT-ferrule" that allows a very high connection density.
This groundbreaking analysis of clinical case histories shows how sex changed from an outward appearance inscribed in a social body to something to be found deep inside body and self.
A fascinating, easy to follow, yet sophisticated argument addressing major issues of the history of body, sex, and self, this volume will fit advanced undergraduate courses, while challenging specialists.
von in ihrem Roman To Kill a Mocking Bird aus dem Jahr 1960 verwendet:• You searched French word "Hermaphrodite" meaning in German that is "hermaphroditisch".